Introducing ZooPoo Kids Shampoo and Bath toys

Introducing ZooPoo Kids Shampoo and Bath toys
Click the above picture to VIEW my Walmart video!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

All I can say is WOW!

As the time on this first submission phase of this contest runs down the folks over at Walmart's Get On The Shelf are gearing up!  Over the last 3 days they have approved about 600 more videos for the contest.  As of this morning my unofficial count is at 1898! There have been 3228 video entered to date.  Meaning over the last 3 days there are about 400 new submissions.  With 4 days left I think I have to change my estimated total entries from 2000 to 2200! 

I am still making my way through watching all the entries. The longest and shortest videos from my last post are still in the lead but I still many videos to watch.  The change I have noticed is the average video length time is increasing.  It was 90 sec for the first couple hundred I watched.  That number is now 120 seconds.  I am watching them in order of submission (each has a number in their Walmart page URL) and figured the early entries are people who already had videos posted on YouTube they could submit to the contest.  Most of those are typical 20, 60 90 sec TV type Ads. If videos are created especially for this contest they are considerably longer. Now if we redo the estimated total amount of YouTube video time using the new numbers ( 120 Sec x 1900 = 228,000 , then 228,000 / 60 = 3,800 Minutes, and 3,800 minutes = 63.3 hours of Walmart videos!  Almost DOUBLE my last projections!!!! 

4 days people!   Good Luck to ALL!

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